
From Abundance of basic needs

Because technologies are creating more and more abundance there might be a need of an economic mind shift. There is an unwritten [moore's law] which will make technology cut half of costs and doubles it processing power every 1,5 year. Technology can disrupts way of working. We have seen this mostly last 20 years by information economy. People had to pay for road maps, encyclopedias, educational books in the past, and now it is available as open content/data services such as [Wikipedia], [OpenStreetMap], [Khan Academy] and others. We also see physical goods are cheaper or freely available due the network capabilities by technology. E.g. [Seats2meet shared co-working space] due smart software, food that is available by tools such as [Falling fruit], getting room to sleep by social community services, etc.

When we look to the future of technology we will see options such as self driving vehicles, getting electricity by sun, farming by robots, 3D printed houses and so. This could also be available by free open source and open hardware, which will gave the same possibilities in economies. Beside the technology abundance shift, there is a growing ethical shift which need to find out more in detail.